Friday, November 25, 2011

Greyson Chance in Sri KDU

Greyson Chance, originally uploaded by ihsankhairir.
One of the many opportunities I had while working at a premium private school is the chance to shoot celebrities, some local, some international.

The latest one being Greyson Chance, the 14-year old international superstar whose list of fans currently consist of mostly teenage girls and moms.

More pictures when you click 'read more' below.

I was so glad to be given the chance to really come up close to the celebrity, taking photos that few other members of the school could.

Greyson Chance signing a fan merchandise in the function room

Greyson strikes me as a friendly and personable fella, always willing to accomodate fans whenever they ask him to sign something or take a picture with them. The problem is that he is always under a very tight schedule, and his local PR had to refuse quite a number of requests, to the disappointment of everyone including Greyson. I felt bad for him for all the times he had to apologize to everyone for not being able to attend to fan requests under the insistence of the local PR (picture above).

Greyson Chance and his mom (need confirmation)

As much as he his an international superstar (at least to moms and teenage girls), he is still a pre-pubescent 14-year old with a cute face. His mom (I assume so from the picture I took above, fangirls correct me if I'm wrong) treats him as any mom with a cute kid would, pinching cheeks and all.

I did my job as best I could, even though I have not much experience photographing celebrities and live concerts and the like. So fangirls and fanmoms, I hope you enjoy the photos I took of the international singer Greyson Chance. If you would like to have hi-res versions of any of the photos here, please drop a request in the comments below and I will email you the the files.

Greyson Chance as he arrives in Sri KDU

Greyson Chance signing a memorabilia

Greyson Chance being fitted with headphones before the live concert
Greyson Chance having a drink as he walks to the multipurpose hall

Greyson Chance signing the huge fan poster

Greyson Chance taking the photo of  Sri KDU students that he later posted on his twitter

I actually have quite a lot more photos of Greyson Chance so do tell if you want to see more.

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