Friday, September 24, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Me

Last midnight, as I was driving myself home from a prayer session in Taman Melawati, I tuned in to the radio and heard the announcement:

iPhone 4 has finally arrived in Malaysia.

iPhone 4 with FaceTime. Image from

I've read about it in numerous news sites, watched Steve Jobs talk about it in an online video of his keynote, rode the viral wave of the humdrum about the mysterious iPhone that was 'accidentally' lost by an Apple employee. The Gizmodo video was my first glimpse of this device, and the Jobs' keynote soon after confirmed it. iPhone 4 shall succeed the iPhone 3Gs.

Ever since the first generation iPhone came out, I've always wanted a smartphone, especially one made by Apple, since I am a proponent of Apple products. I have two iPods: The first generation iPod Shuffle and first generation iPod Nano. I also own the first generation iMac G5, which, after 6 years, still works wonderfully well. It's been awhile since my last Apple gadget procurement, and with the coming of the iPhone 4 to Malaysian shores via DiGi, I think it's high time that a new member joins my Apple family.

Ok, let me make this clear, plain and simple.


There is said it.


Because I need it. I need a phone that can do more than just make and receive calls and text messages.

Because my phone recently died and I want it to be replaced by a better more capable communications device. Missed the news? Read all about it here.

Or better yet, I'll repost the whole thing below.


Suicidal Phone Leaves Owner Disconnected

The Sony Ericsson K530i – 3G mobile phone.Not photo of actual dead phone. Image via Wikipedia
by Ihsan Khairir

Kota Damansara, 4 September - A 2 year old Sony Ericsson K530i hung itself to death in front of its owner, taking all the owner's contacts list with it to cellphone afterlife.

The successful suicide attempt, the third after two unsuccessful ones earlier the same day, happened as the owner tried to make a phone call to his sister who's studying in University of Malaya. The said sister, who used to own a Sony Ericsson W-series phone, also lost her communications device to the same fate a few months back.

The K530i earlier had hung itself and died twice before the owner managed to resuscitate and reanimate the phone from electronic death by doing a hard restart.

"Removing the battery and instantly replacing it worked the first two times," said the owner, as he explained the problems suffered by the dead phone to the worker at the cellphone stall where he sent the phone for repair. "But this last time, the phone just refused to turn on again after it died. It was as if the phone really wanted me to let it go. Like, for real, this time."

Motorola V3xx Platinum ClosedImage by craig1black via Flickr
Also not photo of owner's actual phone.
The sudden departure of the K530i came as a sudden shock to the owner, as with it went all the phone numbers the owner has collected over the years. "I didn't make a hardcopy nor softcopy backup of the contact data," said the owner regretfully, despite suffering the second cellphone suicide in three years. About two years ago, the owner's Motorola RAZR V3xx also hung itself to death in one single attempt. "I should've learnt my lesson from the previous death of my old RAZR and my sister's W-series."

The late K530i was sent to Subang Jaya Digital Mall for an all-or-nothing reanimation attempt, but all was futile, as it never woke up from its eternal slumber. Cause of death was determined to be internal component failure. The motherboard was not functional, causing all other components to cease function as well.

The owner claimed the dead body of the K530i back from the cellphone morgue and immediately sought for a replacement. "Initially I thought of immediately replacing the K530i with an Apple iPhone 3Gs," he explained. "But considering my current financial obligations and situation, I decided on a temporary solution, and procured a Nokia 1616 as a temporary replacement."
The Nokia 1616. Image from
This new appointment may come as a surprise to some, as it was clearly a downgrade to the basics from the previous 3G cameraphone. The Nokia 1616 is only able to make and receive calls, and send and receive messages. It has none of the capabilities of its predecessors, like taking photos with an inbuilt camera, surfing the net using 3G or WAP, recording and playing videos, and sending and receiving multimedia messages (MMS), among others.

"I'll probably be using this basic phone for a few months, until I feel the time is right for me to acquire a more capable phone to fully replace the late K530i," said the owner. "There are other matters more important right now other than getting a smartphone." And that, according to the owner, is rebuilding some part of if not most of the contact list that the K530i took away to the grave with its sudden suicide death. "This will be a daunting task, seeing as I had more than just phone numbers in the list, and it was a 2 years' worth of contact information. But I can't be disconnected now. I need my contact list. And I will need everyone's help to get it back."



See? The death of my phone took a heavy toll on me. I can't lose my contacts anymore. That's why I want the iPhone 4. I can sync my contacts into my computer thru iTunes and my contact list will be safe. And backed up. I don't have to worry about collecting numbers all over again if a phone incident left me disconnected.

So, what do you think? Should DiGi give me an iPhone 4? Say 'aye' in the comments if you do! Thanks!

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