Just scanned this family photo a few minutes ago, thought it'd be nice to be able to show everyone my wonderful family, finally united in one picture. For the past few years, my sisters and I have been away in the U.S., Japan and England for our studies so a full family photo is something that we look forward to every time there's a chance to get everyone together. This photo is the only one in existence that has every single one of us together, including our housekeeper.
(Click on the picture to view full size)
Top, from left:
Tina, Karmini (housekeeper), Ihsan (me), Jayyid,
Sitting, from left:
Dr. Khairir / 'Ayah' (Dad), Abu,
Rashidah / 'Emak' (Mom),
Hoping that soon, another person would be added to future family photos...