Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Seeing Green (edited with some BTS pics!)

* EDIT: I added towards the bottom of this post some photos of myself during the photowalk, courtesy of Mr. Asanagambir.


These shots were taken during the Fotografikr KL Photowalk, 26 July 2009. The theme set for my group was "Seeing Green".

Raindrops on Leaf

This is a cropped closeup shot of a leaf of a bougainvillea tree found beside the Klang River after a morning rain.

Abandoned Plastic Scoop

A green plastic spoon, possibly used for eating something cooked with oil. Found littered on a walkway beside the Klang River.

Green Rubbish Bin

One of the many green-colored rubbish bin found alongside the city streets of oldtown Kuala Lumpur.


One thing I know and I'm sure most of you would definitely agree: I am quite unimaginative and uncreative when it comes to titling my photography works...

Comments and critiques are welcome!


EDIT: Some photos during the photowalk! (all photo credits to Mr. Asanagambir)

Myself, Eba2008, Fakhrul, and tag-along model Hanie.

Fakhrul and myself. Asanagambir called us the 'bouncers of Team Green'. I think I combed my hair too neatly for this photowalk.

Eba with his D300 + tele-lens, Fakhrul with his Canon and myself with a humble D60 + kit lens. Hanie poses with the Masjid Jamek in the background.

Find me if you can!

I shall probably add more pictures of the photowalk as soon as they surface out here in the cybernet. Or maybe I'll have a dedicated post up. Either one.

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