Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2012 Birthday Wishlist

January is almost leaving us and February looms. The upcoming Valentine's Day starts to pick people's pockets as couples set aside some finances for surprising and delighting their beloved significant others. For the singles or foreveralones, Singles Awareness Day (SAD) will be a chance for them to get together with other single people to celebrate and cherish their freedom (singledom).

February is also the month of my oft-forgotten birthday, because it falls in the middle of February, it is always overshadowed by VD or SAD, and so people usually don't realize I've grown a year older. Hence I usually receive VD treats more than birthday treats over the years, except from my family, who never forgets my birthday of course, and who always would treat me to a cake and birthday presents.

Anyways, I was told to make a birthday wish list, and so here it is, my birthday wish list for 2012, my final year as a twenty-something guy. Included with the list are related pictures and approximated costs should you actually want to save up or pool some money to get me the stuff...

*EDIT: Some of the items in the wishlist have been crossed off because my sisters have bought me the items during our recent trips to KL and Singapore :)

1. Circular polarizer filter (CPL) 52mm (200-400 bucks)

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2. Square filters and holder with adapter rings (about 100-150 bucks for the set)

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3. Tamron SP AF 90mm Di for Nikon (about 1000 bucks secondhand, 2000 bucks new)

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4.  1 TB external hard drive (about 350-450 bucks)

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5.  Nikon Speedlight SB-700 (about 750 bucks secondhand, 1000 bucks new)

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6. Portable folding reflectors - white and silver (about 100 - 300 bucks depending on quality and brand)

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7.  8 GB or larger SD card for DSLR (100 bucks and beyond, depending on size and speed)

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8.  DEMB flash diffuser (150 - 200 bucks, depending on size)

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9. Malaysian national team football jersey (Yellow-black, price depends whether original or ciplak)

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10.  A basketball jersey (dark blue, purple, black or yellow with no.2 and my name IHSAN, price depends)

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But seriously, I don't mind not getting many presents --- your sincere good thoughts and wishes are always enough to make my any day (birthday or not) brighter and better.

But I don't mind presents though. No, really.

Now start saving up your munny. You have three weeks.
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