Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oct23rdTwtup [photos]

Since it has been exactly a month since the #Oct23rdTwtup, I don't think it'd mean much if I write a long post about it, so let me just share some photos I took during the event.

The event banner that serves as the backdrop of the stage

My Twitter username was already up on the wall when I arrived!

The Twitter / Foursquare checkin station for people without mobile internet nor smartphones. My name on the wall was exactly behind this checkin station.

Twitterbird motifs were all over the place.

The large banner for everyone to sign. Can you spot my name?

Since most of the scribbles around it were in black, I chose a blue color to stand out a bit.

Some twitteroos that actually posed for my shots.
I noticed Joe Flizzow (@flizzow) before I was about to leave.

C Loco (@cloco) also posed for my camera!
Can't remember who used my camera to take this photo of @hawayou
I also saw on the walls twitter usernames of tweeples that I follow.

There's @hawayou and my highschool friend @zurairi

I also saw @r3belicious

Here's @kruel74

Social media pro En Shamhardy @shamhardy (bila nak dapat jumpa ni bro? haha)

Aznil Hj Nawawi and Lis Orked (@rainingheaven)

Had to leave early because of other commitments that night. But before I leave, I managed to checkin at the Foursquare checkin station to get my badges.

Checking in at the venue immediately as I arrived landed me the Swarm badge

Checking in at the event as I left landed me the Super Swarm badge! I believe it was the first Super Swarm in Malaysia. I'm not quite sure. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh, and if any of you know any of the tweeples in the photos, can you please identify them by their twitter usernames so I can put the usernames in the captions. Thanks!

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