Friday, October 15, 2010

Next Apple Event: Possible New Macs and Mac OS 10.7 Preview

It has been announced that the next Apple event will be on October 20, 2010 in Cupertino, California.

photo from Mashable

Based on the invitational image above, we can anticipate one or both of these to happen:

- Facelift or hardware updates of the Mac lineup.

- A preview of the next version of Mac OS X.

Personally I am more excited about the possibility of seeing the preview of Mac OS 10.7. Looking at the teaser image up there, it's obvious that it's a lion behind the Apple logo. So what's OS 10.7 gonna be called?

Most probable: Mac OS 10.7 Lion
Not so probable : Mac OS 10.7 Leo
Probably not: Mac OS 10.7 Simba, Mac OS 10.7 King of the Jungle, Mac OS 10.7 Singa

Hisham's jumping pose reminded me of the packaging for Mac OS X Tiger


Definitely not: Mac OS 10.7 Hisham (see this post: Mac OS X Hisham --- haha sorry Hisham)

Personally, I'd like it to be called: Mac OS 10.7 Aslan

Image from
Heh heh.

So what are you guys expecting from the Apple event next week?

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