Thursday, July 16, 2009

Re-chasing Dragonflies

This is a repost of my old entry from last year. Mr. Jemsen asked me in my last post if I have any dragonfly photos and I actually do. Closeup dragonfly photos coming up! (italicized font indicate 'flashback')

[Start flashback]


I took a stroll around the lake near the engineering building and saw a couple of dragonflies hovering above the grass... luckily I have a camera on hand so here you go... more pictures of bugs... this time, dragonflies.

So it started out with noticing a dragonfly perched on a blade of grass... (see below)


So I went in closer for a better shot...




This was as close as I could get before it flew away. Next thing I knew there were a couple of these beautiful creatures hovering around me. I guess they got accustomed to my presence already.


A shot of another dragonfly, I think I used the camera's flash and -2 ev for this one.


Screwed around some more with the camera's settings for this shot. I like how the colors came out.


There were countless failed attempts at snapping these insects in flight, the most you would ever be able to see is a brown blur in the middle of the photo, so I'm not including those. If only I have in my arsenal a camera fast enough to capture these flying arthropods in flight...


[End flashback]

Comments about these old closeup photos are welcome!

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