Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wedding Shots: Salah and Izah

Salah is a very good friend of mine whom I got to know since prep school. We both went to Michigan for our undergraduate degrees, but him being much smarter than I am, he managed to get his Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering from Michigan as well (while I'm still struggling to start writing up my master's thesis).

His marriage to the love of his life, Izah, was something that I had been waiting for a while to come. And now that it has happened, I couldn't get more excited to come to their reception held in Kuala Lumpur. I ended up being one of the first guests to arrive and the last to leave.

Here are some photos of the reception that I managed to snap in between chats and banters with friends and colleagues who also came to the reception.

Salah and Izah making their entrance.

The groom and his bride on the pelamin (wedding throne).

The handsome groom and the beautiful bride

Some photo moments usually requested by guests and photographers alike

And lastly... a rare photo of myself with the happy couple (my friend Bobby at my right)

Congratulations, Salah and Izah. I wish the both of you a wonderful life blessed with love, happiness and health for you and the family you two are going to build together.


  1. Anonymous29/6/09 00:55

    wah. cantik! anyway abang, what's your gear? =)

  2. Nabil:

    Thanks. I only use a Nikon D60 with a kit lens 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 and a SB-600 speedlight.
