Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Poolside Changing Room

Poolside Changing Room, originally uploaded by ihsankhairir.

"Kamar Ganti" means "Changing Room" in Indonesian.

This small changing room is built to accommodate people who wish to take a dip in the pool at the bottom of the hillside waterfall that travelers encounter on the way to Bukittinggi (a tourism township located in the highlands of the Province of West Sumatra).

The notice board on the door says "do not urinate in here except 4-legs (dogs)"

Also, the shorts seem to be for public use. I dared not touch them...


  1. what?? humans can't pee but animals can? haha...

  2. U mean Bukit Tinggi in Malaysia? Been to Bukit Tinggi end of last year but not aware of this. Tks for sharing. Do drop by my blog when u r online, tks!

  3. gross lah wei. LOL! :p

  4. @chien: you can't stop a dog when he's gotta go... hehe

    btw, 'chien' is 'dog' in french! =)

    @iriene: no, this is Bukittinggi in West Sumatra.

    @addy: of coz la, didn't go in, didn't touch anything. took pic only... =)

  5. That's great service provider by them. Poolside changing room service, I liked it. Soon I'll be there after few days..
    discount hotels

  6. that's a really sketchy looking place. i'd die if i had to change in a place like that, i'd rather jump into the pool fully clothed thank you!

    humour aside, i really love the composition in this shot. the way the colours come together in this picture, the myriad shades of brown/ochre on the door (i'm assuming it's a door). it's lovely! :)

  7. chutz:

    thanks, it took me a couple of compos to until i was satisfied... glad someone liked it... =)
