Monday, June 22, 2009

Jam Gadang

Jam Gadang, originally uploaded by ihsankhairir.

This is the major landmark and iconic monument of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is called 'Jam Gadang' (lit. 'Massive Clock') and was built by the Dutch in 1926.

One unique feature of the clock is that although Roman numerals were used, the number '4' is featured as 'IIII' instead of the usual 'IV'.

The top of the tower has changed two times. When it was built it featured a dome with a weather rooster on top. During Japanese occupation the top was a Jinja-like structure. After Indonesian independence the top was changed to its present Minangkabau roof structure.

When I visited the Jam Gadang, there were lots of people hanging around the tower and in the plaza next to it. It seems like the iconic structure has become a common meeting point of sorts, since everybody knows where it is, and it is quite close to several tourist attractions, including some business areas and the Hills Hotel.


  1. I wanted to go to Indonesia with my friend this summer break but cancelled due to the swine flu. I should have insisted. xD

  2. chien:

    I think the decision not to go was made after carefully weighing the pros and cons, right? I hope you're not too bummed about not getting to go on that trip. There's going to be another time, and believe me, it's going to be worth it =)

  3. gadang.besar kan maksud dia

  4. sarah:

    yup. gadang == besar
