Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weekly Photo Challenge - Animal Tales / Animal Tails

Some animal photos I've taken:

A raccoon rummaging for food. I guess it has grown to love McD's, pretzels and soda. More here.

A monkey stealing some jackfruit in my backyard. More here.

The photo of the jumping monkey that got featured. Weblog entry here. Photoblog entry here.

Our kitten Kitty's profile. Yeah, unimaginative name, some would say. I call her Meow. Even more unimaginative.

One of the mice trapped in our mouse cagetrap. More here. Weblog entry here.


And I have numerous photos of spiders, butterflies, ants, beetles, bugs and various insects, but since I know some of my friends wouldn't want to see them too much on this Xanga, I choose not to post them here.


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