Friday, April 25, 2008
Friends, I invite you to guess who said these quotes in which movie. I'll give you one universal clue: Disney.
1. "Burr-dah!"
2. "En garde, you overgrown pocket watch!"
3. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"
4. "I alone have the information that reveals this weapon's only weakness."
5. "What's the point of going out there, they'll only laugh at me."
6. "Sorry, madame." *clue: Les Poissons
7. "Because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle ol' whatsherface."
8. "I'm gonna hit you so hard, it'll make your ancestors dizzy."
9. "In your honor, a Royal Flush."
10. "He what in his cup?"
First one to get all correct will get some kind of recognition from me. Like a Ninja Mini or something. Coz at the moment, that's all I can afford, unless I have more creds.
P/S: I wrote all of the above quotes from memory.
*EDIT: I shall include more clues if need be.
Thursday, April 24, 2008 Morning Crew Parody - I Got It From My Mamak
Here are the lyrics:
Hey JJ...
Yeala, where you wanna go ah?
Dunno, you got kereta?
No ah... jalan lah
JJ, where'd you get your canai from?
Rudy, where'd you get your maggi from?
JJ, where'd you get your tosai from?
Rudy, where'd you get your curry from?
I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...
JJ, where'd you get your kopi from?
Rudy, where'd you get your nasi from?
JJ, where'd you get your sambal from?
Eh, Rudy, where'd you get your tapau from?
I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...
Mamak, looking good from his head to his toe,
Curry overload, body out of control,
Open 24, you can always go,
So happening, also got cendol,
Roti smelling good, they don't use ghee,
It's almost four, it's the place to eat, (apa khabar?)
You can tell curry's been there for a week, (wah sedap!)
Mamak made it hot, I can feel the heat!
So be jolly good and thank your mamak,
He makes food just like a sauna,
Panas, panas, here it comes now, panas, panas, here it comes now,
I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...
Aney, Aney, Tolong kira please boss!
(Some tamil convo here lolz)
- What?
- Ten ringgit forty cent, buuuttt for you guys - Ten ringgit.
Eh Rudy..
Mmm, tak rasa la. Not enough spice la...
Don't worry, I know what to do man.
(Telephone dialling)
Ow Sh*t, it's the morning crew!
Ho, you ain't hungry?
Well - I - am,
Take you to a place where they don't eat ham,
Speak Malay or speak Chinese,
A little bit of rice and some black eyed peas,
Where else can you go and eat real late?
Straight from the club and it's food on your plate,
Love Mickey Dee's, but not today,
Think I'm in the mood for some cool teh,
Tell JJ, I think I found a winner,
Me and Rudy, we both missed dinner,
So you know that we're ready to eat,
No durians, now please have a seat!
Come on...
I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...
All this food right here, I got all this from my MAMAK.
All this food right here, I got all this from my MAMAK.
If the roti real fine, 9 times outta 10, its coming from my mamak,
If the kopi real sweet, 9 times outta 10, its sweeter at my mamak,
If the cat's really ugly, I bet you, it is not at my mamak,
If the girl's real fine, 9 times outta 10, she's hanging at my mamak,
If you're chilling in Subang, 9 times outta 10, you're chilling at my mamak,
If you're hanging in Ampang, 9 times outta 10, you're hanging at my mamak,
At my mamak!
JJ, where'd you get your canai from?
Rudy, where'd you get your maggi from?
JJ, where'd you get your tosai from?
Rudy, where'd you get your curry from?
I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it from my mamak! I got it got it got it...
Roti make some noise!
If you like kopi, make some noise!
If you like mamak, make some noise!
Make some noise, Make some noise, noise, noise...
(noi, noi, noi, noi, noi...)
Ok, ok enough of the noise, eh - macha, macha, Rudy - Stop with the tin cans la!
Are you serious?
Yeala please
Eh, but how's your roti ah?
Ooo, dahsyat man
Eh, eh whatchu got eh watchu wat's that?
Eheh, chicken, lamb, everything inside!
Got telur?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The broken key
I told what happened last Sunday when I tried to unlock the doors to the lab.
The top two keys are the original keys to the lab. The one on the left is for the main door of the Dynamics Lab. The one on the right is for my teams' office in the lab.
The one on the bottom is my main door key, broken. The notch at the point of failure was so big to begin with (as you can see from its original copy on the top), which caused the inevitable break at the most critical point. The other key does not have such a big notch at its critical point, hence its survival.
I think they should just change the lock and give us new keys for the main door, because I wasn't the first one to have had this happen to.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Bored at work so I played around with my Wacom Intuos 3 and tried my hand at writing Japanese.
I think I just made all my Nihongo no sensei-tachi cry in agony.
Still bored so I went on with Arabic...
and Malay.
Now everybody knows how my ugly handwriting looks like. At least when it's written using a tablet pen.
Original version sung by Andra & the Backbone
Slow version sung by Gita Gutawa
Kau begitu sempurna
Di mataku kau begitu indah
Kau membuat diriku
Akan selalu memujamu
Di setiap langkahku
Ku kan selalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamu
Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa
Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku kau begitu
Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata
Dan hapus semua sesalku
Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa
Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku kau begitu
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku kau begitu
Sayangku kau begitu
If anyone wants an English translation of the song, I'd spend a couple minutes translating it. Might probably end up more literal than most would've want, but that's what people get when I translate for them anyways.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Locked out
Actually I locked myself out of the lab.
And I locked everyone else who works in the lab from the lab.
the key broke.
And the broken piece is still inside the keyhole. Stuck waaayy in.
And it's Sunday and nobody is around.
Some people are going to be real p!ssed Monday morning.
Friday, April 18, 2008
My seemingly annual not-getting-paid months
This is exactly like last year.
Last year, for about 4 months, I was deprived of my usual source of income. And that stretched me thin. I lost the ability to procure food, restock fridge, and gain body mass.
Basically, I was starved. Literally. And it's because of the universal law of delayed paperwork in the theory of bureaucracy.
I ate carrots and hummus for my main meal (sometimes the only meal) for a couple of weeks. I started buying and cooking food in small proportions. There was one period of time when all I ate for the day almost every day was a couple of spoonful of rice, some carrots and some pieces of chicken. And four or five cups of tea (one teabag reused five times) to make myself feel full. Oh yes I was starving.
But that did not stop me from continuing with my usual daily activities. Going to class. Doing assignments and homework. Sitting for exams. Working out. Kendo. Basketball. Sepak takraw.
Oh I love physical activities. No hunger did not stop me.
Side effects? Sudden reduction of body mass. I lost 10 kilograms (that's roughly 22 pounds) in less than 5 days.
Oh how so healthy. Not.
Until the paperwork came through and I got my munny. After that food consumption returned to normal again. And I gained about half the weight I lost.
That was last year.
This year it happens again. Paperwork has been keeping me from getting my pay. I haven't been paid for about two months. Paperwork was filed since March. It's mid-April and I see nothing happening to my bank account.
I called the Office of the Treasurer a couple times at different times of the day. Took two days and a multitude of tries before someone actually picked up. And I got redirected to some other number. I called that number and got redirected again to another number. I called the new number and someone picked up, but she wasn't the person I needed to talk to. I was advised to call some other time.
Ah the fun of dealing with bureaucracy.
I waited roughly 20 minutes before calling again. This time I heard a sleepy voice of a man at the other end of the line. I asked about my paycheck. He asked me to hold.
I heard the usual sound of keyboards clacking.
He told me I'm not in the system yet. I asked how could that be. He asked me to hold, again.
I heard the usual sound of papers being rummaged through.
He told me he found my paperwork and it's actually there with him. I asked him if he could now process it and he said yes. I asked how long would that take.
He said two weeks.
Another fortnight of waiting.
Of counting saved coins.
Of skipping lunches and/or dinners.
Of praying. That somehow everything would be better once this is over.
I hope nobody else has to through this.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Weekly Photo Challenge - Zoom In
I took a lot of zoomed and closeup photos so here goes my entry.
Thanks to silence_of_words for the link. I love taking photos, challenges like these would give me great ideas on what kinds of photos to take next.
Bug and flower
Monkey stealing jackfruit
Taken from inside the kitchen at my house, through a narrow opening in the kitchen window, so that the monkey won't notice me. This was the most zoomed in I could get using my obsoletely old camera.
Wooden benches, Northwood apartments
Tree's resin rings
I noticed a tree with resin rings and took some closeups of its bark.
Frieze Building demolition
The building where I had my Japanese and Arabic class was being demolished, photos taken from a safe distance. Zooming in without tripods was hard.
From Chicago Trip
Some closeups of the Chicago Trip
Part of a zipper taped on a wall, underground tunnel.
Droplets on the 'Millennium Bean' of Chicago.
Random stuff around Northwood Apartments
Freezing Rain: Ice-covered Everything
Taken the morning after a night of freezing rain in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Ok so that's a lot of photos, and those are just selections of my many closeups... back when I used to do a lot of random amateur closeup photography.
I think that'll about do it. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed taking them
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Double double
Those of you who know me well would already know that two of my sisters, Tina and Mya, are twins. Fraternal, I think, but to some people they look so alike that it has been thought that they are actually identical, though I beg to differ. As little girls they were raised in a typical twin fashion: matching clothes, matching shoes, matching toys and books and even schools and classrooms. But as they got older and reached their teens, their individual personalities began to develop. Habits, sense of style, passions, hobbies, etc. have begun to emerge and evolve differently for each of them. The part of them that identifies them as twins is still there, but I could sense some vibes of "me and her and not us" since a couple years ago. In some way I felt oh, they don't look so much like twins anymore. But another part of me was really glad they discovered their individual selves differently and apart from one another.
To cut things short I really love having twins in the family. Two of my aunts are fraternal twins and I have two sisters who are twins. And to add to the duality of things, three weeks ago my youngest aunt gave birth to twin girls, and now I have twin cousins.
So we went to my grandparents' house to pay them a visit and welcome the twins to our already big family (my dad is 5th out of 12 children, all of them married and most have lots of kids). I think I already have close to a hundred first cousins and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop at the birth of the twins. I love having a big family, an addition of one at a time is a joyous occasion, but two just doubles everything. Everyone is excited and happy for my youngest aunt, and we are expecting many more to come (not just from her, of course) and grow our already sixty-something strong family.
And naturally, the most excited being my twin sisters, who asked me to snap up some pictures of them and the twins... two pairs of girls separated 17 years apart. Some wonder if the babies would grow up to be like Tina and Mya...
Tina, left, and Mya, right. Don't ask me which one's who when it comes to the babies, I have yet to tell them apart
Welcome to the family, Nur Auni Firdina and Nur Qistina Wahida!!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Cluster centroid
My mom chose this apartment and I am very glad she chose such location. Although it is a bit of a hassle to travel to the Faculty of Engineering every morning, but should I live closer to UKM, I'd be too far from Kolej Cemara and Kolej Cendana, where I help with martial arts instruction two to four times a week.