Saturday, August 31, 2013

Happy Merdeka, Malaysia!

Last night was Merdeka Eve for us Malaysians. Every year at midnight of 31st August, Malaysians celebrate the nation's Independence Day with family and friends, traditionally at locations of interest such as Merdeka Square and Putrajaya.

The Putrajaya International Fireworks Competition 2013 kicked off last night during Merdeka Eve with team Malaysia's brilliant display of lights and colors. I took this chance to further my photographic explorations with my first attempt at multiple exposure photography to capture the brilliant and vibrant fireworks display at night. I took a lot of photos, but for now let me share just one of them...

Click on the photo above for a bigger view!
I shall update this blog with more photos later with explanations of how I shot the fireworks photos and some of the post-production involved. Until then, Happy Merdeka, Malaysia!

P/S: Happy Independence Day, Trinidad and Tobago (this one is for my dear friend, Kristen!)